Our Advocates go above and beyond! While most of our resources are connecting clients to other organizations, our facility offers in house services too!
One of our more popular in office resources that we use almost daily is our fax. Do you need to send your worker paperwork or submit an application? We can fax for clients and we can also receive faxes for people.

Printing and Copies
If you need to print or make copies, our Advocates are here to assist. These services are free for all social service-related paperwork. If your documents do not fall under the free service category, we charge $0.25 per page for black and white and $1.00 per page for color.
Computer and Phone Use
Computer access is another great service that we offer in the office. To ensure the computer is free, call to schedule a time to come in. If you are in need of using a phone, our facility can also provide that resource - our Advocates can go a step further and connect you with a resource that if eligible, can provide a free phone and minutes.

Animal Spay & Neuter Vouchers
Our Advocates can provide those who are low-income with a spay and neuter voucher. To find out if you're eligible for this voucher, call our Advocates today!
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